Material necesario:
Se arranca el sistema y se abre sesión con SYSTEM
Si no está ya, se “introduce” la imagen de disco en el “lector virtual”.
$ (Pulsar Ctrl+E) Simulation stopped, PC: 834B4F43 (CMPL R4,R5) sim> attach -r rq3 extra.iso RQ: unit is read only sim> cont _
Se monta el CDROM
mount/over=id dua3: %MOUNT-I-WRITELOCK, volume is write locked %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, EXTRA mounted on _VAX$DUA3: $ _
Se resgistra y activa el PAK
Si está instalado e iniciado TCP/IP se detiene con
$ @sys$startup:tcpip$shutdown
Se realiza la instalación
$ @sys$update:vmsinstal lisp031 dua3:[lisp031.kit] OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.3 It is DD-MMM-YYYY at HH:MM. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? (Pulsar ENTER) The following products will be processed: LISP V3.1 Beginning installation of LISP V3.1 at HH:MM %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? (Pulsar ENTER) Product: LISP Producer: DEC Version: 3.1 Release Date: 23-MAR-1990 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y The LISP installation kit contains the VAX LISP product files (i.e., the files which are needed to run VAX LISP), some example files, and some special library files for building customized lisp systems. It is possible to install just VAX LISP, and nothing else. It is also possible to install just the examples, or just the library files, or any combination of these. Enter YES to this question if you wish to install VAX LISP at this time. Enter NO to this question if you only wish to install the examples and/or library files at this time. * Do you wish to install the VAX LISP product files (20000 blocks) [YES]? (Pulsar ENTER) VAX LISP can be installed with built-in code either for DECwindows or for the UIS windowing system. (The choice of windowing system for the installed VAX LISP product does not limit the choice of windowing system for custom-built VAX LISP systems.) You should select the windowing system which is preferred at your site. Answer YES to this question to select DECwindows as your windowing system. Answer NO to this question to select UIS as your windowing system. * Do you want the DECwindows version of VAX LISP [YES]? n * In which directory are the VAX LISP product files to be installed [SYS$SYSROOT :[VAXLISP]]: (Pulsar ENTER) * Directory SYS$SYSROOT:[VAXLISP] does not exist. Should it be created [YES]? (Pulsar ENTER) * Do you wish to install the VAX LISP system-building library files (22500 block s) [NO]? y * In which directory are the VAX LISP system-building library files to be instal led [SYS$COMMON:[VAXLISP.LIBRARY]]: (Pulsar ENTER) * Directory SYS$COMMON:[VAXLISP.LIBRARY] does not exist. Should it be created [ YES]? (Pulsar ENTER) The installation kit contains some unsupported example LISP files, which contain some useful VAX LISP utilities, and which additionally serve as examples of LISP programming style. They are not required in order to run VAX LISP. Additional unsupported utilities and examples are included in separate savesets. These include PCL, RdbLISP, Foxglove, GKS and GKS3D bindings, VAXFlavors, and Starlet routines. You can install all the examples or just some of them. You will be asked seperately which ones you wish to install. Enter YES to the questions for those examples you wish to install and NO for those you wish to skip at this time. * Do you wish to install the VAX LISP examples (4400 blocks) [NO]? (Pulsar ENTER) Included in the examples are the 05/23/89 (Victoria Day) version of Portable Common Loops (PCL), the publicly-available implementation of the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). PCL is normally installed in its own sub-directory. * Do you wish to install the PCL examples (4400 blocks) [NO]? (Pulsar ENTER) The RdbLISP software provides an interface layer between Digital's relational database (Rdb) and VAX LISP/VMS. * Do you wish to install the RdbLISP examples (2100 blocks) [NO]? (Pulsar ENTER) Foxglove is a rapid-prototyping language for developing rule-based expert system applications. * Do you wish to install the Foxglove examples (26400 blocks) [NO]? (Pulsar ENTER) Both GKS and GKS3D LISP bindings are included in this saveset. * Do you wish to install the GKS and GKS3D bindings (4400 blocks) [NO]? (Pulsar ENTER) VAXFlavors is an implementation of Flavors under VAX LISP. It implements an object-oriented programming system under Common LISP. * Do you wish to install the VAXFlavors examples (2000 blocks) [NO]? (Pulsar ENTER) The VAX LISP interface to VMS Starlet routines are included in this saveset. * Do you wish to install the Starlet examples (16000 blocks) [NO]? (Pulsar ENTER) * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? (Pulsar ENTER) %LISP-I-QUESDONE, There are no more installation questions to be answered %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSROOT:[VA XLISP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$COMMON:[VAX LISP.LIBRARY]. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Executing VAX LISP startup procedure... VAX LISP Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) Starting compilation of file VAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.LISP031]LISPIVP.LSP;1 FIBONACCI compiled. PRINT-FIBONACCI-TABLE compiled. Finished compilation of file VAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.LISP031]LISPIVP.LSP;1 0 Errors, 0 Warnings VAX LISP[TM] V3.1 © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1989, 1990. All Rights Reserved. A table of the first 20 Fibonacci numbers: n Fibonacci(n) -- ------------ 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 5 6 8 7 13 8 21 9 34 10 55 11 89 12 144 13 233 14 377 15 610 16 987 17 1,597 18 2,584 19 4,181 VAX LISP V3.1 IVP Completed Successfully Installation of LISP V3.1 completed at HH:MM Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY VMSINSTAL procedure done at HH:MM $ _
Si se ha detenido TCP/IP se puede volver a inciar con
$ @sys$startup:tcpip$startup
Por último se edita sys$
para añadir la línea @SYS$STARTUP:LISP$STARTUP
al final (si no se hace al próximo reinicio LISP no funciona, debiendo telcearla a mano).
$ set term/vt100 $ edit sys$
Se pulsa [AvPág] hasta el final, y se añade la línea indicada en rojo.
$!$ @SYS$STARTUP:TNT$STARTUP $! $! $! Remove the comment delimiter ($!) from the following line to have $! Monitor run with TCP/IP. $! $!$ @SYS$STARTUP:VPM$STARTUP.COM $! $! $! Remove the comment delimiter ($!) from the following line to start $! RPC services. $! $!$ @SYS$STARTUP:DCE$RPC_STARTUP.COM $! $ MOUNT/SYSTEM DUA1 DATA1 $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET $ @SYS$STARTUP:CCXX$STARTUP $ @SYS$STARTUP:PASCAL$STARTUP $ @SYS$STARTUP:ADA$STARTUP $ @SYS$STARTUP:LISP$STARTUP $ EXIT Buffer: SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM | Write | Insert | Forward 413 lines read from file SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM;6
Se pulsa [Ctrl+Z] para salir y guardar, y ya está listo, se puede probar algún programa de ejemplo o seguir instalando otros lenguajes.